Monday, 13 April 2015



Adobe Muse
Adobeeeeee Muse Aaaaaaaaaaaadobeeeeeeeee MoooooooooouuuZe.

Greetings and salutations. 
This has to be one of the esiest website building programs ever. If you could care less about codes and back end crap you should get this. A monkey could make websites with Muse. 
The price of this was confusing to find out. I first thought it was $14.99 and was thinking how could you not have this for 15 dolla? Thats not the actual retail price! Here is the Pricing Model: Creative Cloud complete annual membership is $49.99 billed monthly. Single downloadable app membership (for Muse CC) is:
$24.99 month-to-month
$14.99 per month for an annual commitment billed monthly
$239.88 prepaid for new users
240 dolla! I suppose you have to pay for the convenience of being able to construct websites with a tiny amount of brain power. A bit too pricey for what it is I think. It should be more $80 - $120 and at that price it would be absolutly worth it. Maybe the price will come down or you could get a used Muse to use for amusement! Ha! 
Everything in Muse is drag and drop copy and paste friendly. I was lost on it for awhile looking for import buttons and menu's to insert Flash and other fun stuff. I found a HTML box to place any HTML code. I tried it out with some code I copied from the interweb. It worked like magic beans. This is the crude and crapy code I used to test it.
<!-- HERE IS HTML -->
<div class="mum">
   <div class="baby">
       I am the baby that should be centered!
<!-- HERE IS CSS -->
.mum {
   display: table;
   width: 100%;
.baby {
   display: table-cell;
   text-align: center;
   vertical-align: middle;

I grabbed it from this site:
Cool site with fun stuff on it. I'm going to build a website with Muse for fun and entertainment purposes. I will show it off in the next BL0G post. That is if I finnish it. If not don't throw a fit or cry. That's one of the awesome things about writing a BL0G... Im not obligated to do it. I only write stuff if I feel like it.  So getting back to the topic and how easy it is to use Muse. It can intergrate Flash which is cool. Muse also has widgets like WordPress.                                                     - 

State button; This is a button with roll over and various different states it can be in. Wow thrilling i know

Compositions; you can embed HTML inside this widget, like featured news content. A lightbox display, presentation, and tool tip.

Forms; Easy as pie contact forms. Yeeeehaw!

Menus; Horizontal and vertical menus so people can click click clickity click on buttons.

Panels; accordian and tabbed panels. Cool stuff to play with.
Slideshows; Everyone's favorite! Lots of different slideshows to choose from to show off your glorious pictures to the world!

Social; This is self explanatory. Facebook, google+, etc........
Plenty of stuff to add content for your website with the built in widgets. You can also get templates and more widgets from the interweb. I found a bunch of free stuff searching for "free Muse widgets templates" and "Muse resources" Lots of free stuff to be had and too much "pay for it" junk as well.  There is more fun stuff to Muse to use and amuse you. Ha! If you want to learn more Muse you can go here and in no time you will be a Muse master. Well at least Muse adequate. 

Thats all for this BL0G post until next time. I will leave off with a quote.

“artificial intellegance is no match for natural stupidity” 
― Albert Einstein

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