
Have you ever been infected buy a Virus? I can say I have. I remember along time ago in a galaxy far away I infected myself running an .exe file that I downloaded. The effects were instantaneous long story cut short it screwed my system hard. I'm a lot more careful now about what and where I download from. I downloaded "VX Collector-Malware Researcher Starter Kit" [6000 virus] because I wanted to look at it, check it out, see whats what. Theres some .exe files some MSDOS applications. All of them are very small as most virus is. I ran some sandboxed and got a lot of invalid command line parameter errors with them. [Nothing too exciting] Sandboxie explained here in case you are saying "What the hell is Sandboxie?"
Sandboxie Info
[Sandboxie is an awesome program I highly recommend it.]
Typically a virus is disruptive computer code that comes in many different forms. It can do a lot of nasty weird crap like: A Virus has the potential to infect other programs each time they are executed, is also able to self-replicate, spread via networks or infect remote machines. They can be files sent as email attachments, a link to a web or FTP resource. Other viruses infect only upon a certain trigger. They may silently lurk in memory waiting for you to access a disk, copy a file, or execute a program, before infection. Viruses do unpleasant things such as deleting files, changing random data on your disk, simulating typos, slow your PC down, crash your system, or erase your entire hard drive. Some viruses do less harmful things such as playing music, creating messages or animation on your screen.
A really old, DOS virus called “Stoned” created in in 1988, written in Assembly, is not intentionally harmful. Once in memory, the virus will infect the Master Boot Records of any diskette accessed. There's about a 1 in 8 chance that when boot up occurs, Stoned will release, its contents, causing the infested system to go beep and show the message: "Your PC is now stoned! LEGALIZE MARIJUANA!" This virus is very old, and had tons of variants. Thus ends another Blog so don't forget to update your virus definitions and be careful what emails you open. If you're not sure what anti-virus you should use I can say download and install Avast its free and my new favorite for anti-virus because it has a very small memory load.
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